الخميس، 21 أبريل 2016

The violin king by th Palestinian poet Khamees, translated from Arabic by Sameer Alshenawi

The Violin King
Composed By Khamees
Translated By Sameer Alshenawi

Your shadow is still in place
Over-clouding my face,
As I come again
Appeasing my trembling heart
And letting my secrets depart. 

Your shadow is still in place
Saying "Tread no more into my world 
Our memories and love you still embrace.
If time lingered, you'd have returned...
Thinking time has got me changed
And a spring of tenderness I 've earned!
Nay, time is not yet nigh
Springs of love have turned dry,
Let me live and attempt not
To set back the tickling clock.
Into decay, fell the past
And away shipped the mast."

To the words of this cowardly shadow
I mumbled, paying no heed:
"Love is much ado,
My freedom is what I need, 
more precious than earth 
And its beauty's mirth. 

Love is much ado,
Still, I have my golden sword,
With dazzling pearls adorned. 

Love is much ado, 
Yet, rhymes and rhythms are my own, 
to my presence, audience is drawn.
Mine is the velvet carpet, 
I'm the king with my instrument, 
The Scepter, crown and throne.

Love is much ado, 
Me, it may sting, 
That's never an easy thing!

O my love, it is time to step aside 
Let my passionate fire subside  
And shed the smoke its night.

Whatever fate is to bring,
I am here, the violin king.
Wherever I go, fame is my prize. 
I have all but on the stage to rise,
Between my fingers and the string
A chant of kindness to sing. 

Into oblivion my love you should sink
And die, nothing will forth you bring."

Rising on the stage
Amid applause beyond gauge,
The king tried to hold
His bow and cord.
But his hands did shiver,
Betraying him hither.

From his chair he fell,
Fainted in the festival.
"What went wrong?" people yelled
Happened what to the violin king,
Falling in a moment with a broken wing?"

An answer in the air did echo:
"The violin may sing to whom?"
Said a passing shadow,
With shining tears of gloom.

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